Scam Marshals
Are you or someone you know, inundated with scam mail? Tempted to respond to it? Keen to help track down the criminals behind scams and help put a stop to their activities?
Why not become a Scam Marshal for National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team.

Register yourself as a Scam Marshal
Help protect yourself and others from scams by signing yourself up as a Scam Marshal
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Register someone else as a Scam Marshal
Sign a friend, family member, loved one or neighbour up to the Scam Marshal scheme.
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What is a Scam Marshal?
A Scam Marshal is any resident in the UK who has been targeted by a scam and now wants to fight back and take a stand against scams. Scam Marshals do this by sharing their own experiences, helping others to report and recognise scams and sending any scam mail that they receive to the NTS Scams Team. The scam mail can be used as evidence in future investigative and enforcement work. This work by Scam Marshals plays a huge role in helping to stop the scam mail altogether. We need you.

Scam Marshal Resources
Here you will find all the information that you need to help in your local community.
Key Facts
84% of identity fraud in the UK is through the internet.
You are 2x more likely to become a victim of fraud than any other type of crime.
More than 5 million
people become a victim of scams every year.
Only 5% of scams are actually reported.